Deutsch - Englisch

  • Saite - string
  • Satztechnik - writing, style, compositional technique
  • satztechnisch - stylistic, textural, compositional
  • schrittweise - stepwise, conjunct, by step
  • Seitenthema - subsidiary theme, second subject
  • Sekundakkord - four-two chord, third inversion of the seventh chord
  • Septakkord - seventh chord
  • Sequenz - sequence
  • sequenzierend - sequencial
  • Sextakkord - sixth chord
  • Sexte - sixth
  • Sonatenhauptsatzform - sonata form
  • Sprechgesang - inflected speech, speech-song, recitative
  • Sprung - leap, skip
  • sprungweise - by leap, by skip, disjunct
  • Stammstufen - natural notes
  • Stammton - natural note, natural tone (of a key or scale)
  • Stil - style
  • stilisiert - stylized
  • Stilmerkmal, Stileigentümlichkeit - style characteristics, stylistic feature, stylistic trait
  • Stilwandel - stylistic change
  • stimmen - to tune
  • Stimmführung - part-writing, voice leading, conduct of parts/voices
  • Stimmgabel - tuning fork
  • Stimmgerät - tuning device
  • Stimmkreuzung - crossing of parts/voices
  • Stimmpfeife - pitch pipe
  • strenger Stil/Satz - strict style
  • stützen (Gesang) - to support
  • Stufe - degree
  • Subdominante - subdominant
  • summen - to hum, to sing with closed lips
  • syllabisch - syllabic
  • Symphonie (Sinfonie) - symphony
  • symphonisch (sinfonisch) - symphonic
  • symphonische Dichtung - symphonic poem
  • Synästhesie - syn(a)esthesia
  • synkopisch - syncopated
  • System (Notenlinien) - brace, staff

Deutsch - Englisch

  • Tabulatur - tablature
  • Takt - time, meter; bar, measure (Abschnitt zwischen zwei Taktstrichen)
  • Taktstrich - bar-line, measure-line
  • Taktvorzeichnung - time signature
  • Terz - third
  • Terzaufbau - construction in thirds, tertian texture
  • Terzlage - third position
  • Terzquartakkord - four-three chord, second inversion of the seventh chord
  • Text - text, words, lyrics
  • Thema - theme, subject
  • thematisch - thematic
  • Ton - musical sound
  • tonales Zentrum - tonal centre, tonal cebter
  • Tonalität - tonality
  • Tonbuchstabe - tone letter
  • Tondauer, Tonzeit - note duration, tone duration
  • Tonfolge - sequence of tones/notes, melody
  • Tongebung - intonation
  • Tonhöhe - pitch (level)
  • Tonika - tonic
  • Tonikagegenklang - mediant ( in major), submediant (in minor)
  • Tonikaparallele - submediant (in major), mediant (in minor)
  • Tonkunst - tonal art, musical art, art of music
  • Tonkünstler - musician, composer, music teacher
  • Tonlage - pitch(-level), register
  • Tonleiter - scale
  • Tonmalerei - tone-painting, musical imagery
  • Tonstufe - degree (pitch)
  • Tontraube - tone cluster, note cluster
  • transponieren - to transpose
  • transponierende Instrumente - transposing instruments
  • Triller - trill, shake
  • Triole - triplet
  • Tritonus - tritone
  • Tritonussubstitut - tritone substitute
  • Trugschluss - deceptive cadence, delusive cadence

Deutsch - Englisch

  • vagierender Akkord - vagrant chord
  • Variante - the minor form of a major chord or the major form of a minor chord
  • Variation - variation
  • variieren - to vary
  • verdoppeln - to double, to duplicate
  • Verdopplung - doubling, duplication
  • vermindert - diminished
  • Viertelnote - quarter note
  • Violinschlüssel - treble clef, violin clef, G clef
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