Deutsch - Englisch
- Saite - string
- Satztechnik - writing, style, compositional technique
- satztechnisch - stylistic, textural, compositional
- schrittweise - stepwise, conjunct, by step
- Seitenthema - subsidiary theme, second subject
- Sekundakkord - four-two chord, third inversion of the seventh chord
- Septakkord - seventh chord
- Sequenz - sequence
- sequenzierend - sequencial
- Sextakkord - sixth chord
- Sexte - sixth
- Sonatenhauptsatzform - sonata form
- Sprechgesang - inflected speech, speech-song, recitative
- Sprung - leap, skip
- sprungweise - by leap, by skip, disjunct
- Stammstufen - natural notes
- Stammton - natural note, natural tone (of a key or scale)
- Stil - style
- stilisiert - stylized
- Stilmerkmal, Stileigentümlichkeit - style characteristics, stylistic feature, stylistic trait
- Stilwandel - stylistic change
- stimmen - to tune
- Stimmführung - part-writing, voice leading, conduct of parts/voices
- Stimmgabel - tuning fork
- Stimmgerät - tuning device
- Stimmkreuzung - crossing of parts/voices
- Stimmpfeife - pitch pipe
- strenger Stil/Satz - strict style
- stützen (Gesang) - to support
- Stufe - degree
- Subdominante - subdominant
- summen - to hum, to sing with closed lips
- syllabisch - syllabic
- Symphonie (Sinfonie) - symphony
- symphonisch (sinfonisch) - symphonic
- symphonische Dichtung - symphonic poem
- Synästhesie - syn(a)esthesia
- synkopisch - syncopated
- System (Notenlinien) - brace, staff