Deutsch - Englisch
- Mediante - mediant
- mehrstimmig - polyphonic, in several voices
- melismatisch - melismatic
- Melodielinie - melodic contour
- Melodiestimme - melody part, melody line
- Melodik - melody (shape)
- melodiös - melodious
- melodisch - melodic, tuneful, songful
- melodisch Moll - melodic minor
- Metrum - metre, meter
- Mittelstimme - middle part, middle voice, inner voice
- Mixturklänge - chord parallels, parallel chords, locked parallel voices
- modal - modal
- Modulation (Tonartwechsel) - modulation
- modulieren - to modulate
- Modus (Tonart) - modus, mode
- Mollakkord - minor chord
- Molldreiklang - minor triad
- Molltonart - minor key
- Molltonleiter - minor scale
- Musikleben - musical life, musical scene
- Musiklehre, elementare - rudiments of music
- Musikverständnis - understanding of music, appreciation of music
- Musikwerk - music work, composition
- musikwissenschaftlich, musikologisch - musicological
Deutsch - Englisch
- natürliches Moll, Urmoll - minor scale without raised sixth and seventh degrees, natural minor
- Naturtöne - natural notes, natural tones, open notes, open tones; primary tones (Am.)
- Neapolitaner - Neapolitan sixth chord
- Nebenfunktion, Nebendreiklang - secondary triad
- Notation - notation
- Note - note
- Noten - notes, music
- Notenfähnchen - note tail, note flag, note hook
- Notenhals (Notenstil) - note stem
- Notenkopf - note head
- Notenlesen - reading of music, music-reading
- Notenlinie - staff line, stave line
- Notenlinien - staff
- Notenname - name of the note (siehe Tonbuchstabe)
- Notenschlüssel - clef
- Notensystem - system of notation (im Notensystem - on staff)
- Notenschrift - notation (ein Instrument wird eine Terz höher notiert als es klingt - an instrument is written for a third higher than it sounds)
- Notentext - musical text
- Notenwert - note value
- notieren - to notate
- Nummernoper - number opera
Deutsch - Englisch
- Oberstimme - upper part, highest part, top part
- Obertonreihe - overtone series, overtone row, harmonic series, harmonic row
- Oktavlage - octave position
- Oktavparallelen - ovtave parallels, consecutive octavs
- Oper - opera
- Ouvertüre - overture
Deutsch - Englisch
- Parallelbewegung - parallel motion, similar motion
- Paralleltonart - parallel key, relative key
- Parameter - parameter
- Partitur - score
- Parodie - parody
- Pause - rest
- pentatonisch - pentatonic
- plagal - plagal
- Plagalschluss - plagal cadence
- plagiieren - plagiarize
- Programm-Musik - program music
- punktiert - dotted
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